Qruz Services

Qruz Business

We provide daily transportation services for businesses and small groups.

Qruz on Demand

Conference? Event? Trip? Wedding? A ride across the town? Whatever your needs are.

Qruz to work & Qruz to school

We offer daily lines for employees and students offering them cheaper, better, safer, and faster service than ever.
Whether you are a stressed employee, or a concerned parent, we will make your life easier.

Qruz Commute

We are here to change the commuting scene and offer unprecedented service levels; with lines launching every week, we are here to stay.

Why choose us?

Brand New Cars

Your safety, and comfort matter That’s why we always provide our customers with excellent vehicles to guarantee the best transportation experience.

Friendly drivers

Our drivers are well-trained, and friendly for you to have the best transportation experience


A safe, hygienic and practical way to get around that guarantees your wellbeing.

Punctuality assured

Always arrive on time to your desired destination.

Real time tracking

You can easily track your car’s location on its way to the pickup point and to the destination through our application.

Affordable friendly services

We get you the best quality for the lowest possible price and flexible payment methods for extra peace of mind

Submit Your Request and let Us Handle all the Logistics